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Serves 2
Put half the ginger ‘coins’ on a 30.5cm heatproof plate and place the fish on top, making sure the coins are under the fish. Put the remaining ginger coins inside the cavity of the fish and set aside.
Pour water to a depth of 2.5cm into a large sauté pan or wok and bring to a boil. Put the bottom of a bamboo or metal steamer basket on top, making sure the water does not touch the basket. Put the plate with the fish in the steaming basket, cover the pan with foil and steam for around 15 minutes until cooked through. To test whether it’s done, open the foil and, using a small, sharp knife, check that the fish is opaque throughout.
Using a tea towel and tongs,
transfer the plate to a cooling
rack and pour off the excess
liquid. Drizzle the wine and
soy sauce over the fish, then
scatter the julienned ginger,
black beans and spring onions
over the top.
Pour the peanut or rapeseed oil into a pan set over a high heat and heat until just starting to smoke. Drizzle the hot oil over the fish before serving.
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