Sticky toffee popcorn

Makes 4-8 portions


  • 1tbsp sunflower oil
  • 50g popping corn
  • 40g salted butter
  • 40g light muscovado sugar
  • 2tbsp golden syrup


Line a baking sheet with baking paper. Heat the oil in a large saucepan over a medium-high heat. Add the corn and swirl the pan around to coat the corn in the oil. Cover with a tight-fitting lid. Reduce the heat to low and leave the pan for a few minutes until the popping has stopped, then remove it from the heat.

Meanwhile, put the butter, sugar and golden syrup in a separate pan over a low heat until the butter has melted. Increase the heat to medium and let the mixture bubble for 2 minutes. Pour over the popcorn and stir well to coat.

Spread the popcorn over the prepared baking sheet and leave to cool for about 15 minutes in a cool place (not the fridge) before serving.

Recipe from Madhouse Cookbook by Jo Pratt. Photo by Gareth Morgans (Duncan Baird).
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Recipe from Madhouse Cookbook by Jo Pratt. Photo by Gareth Morgans (Duncan Baird).


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