Truffle honey

Makes 10 jars Sauces and accompaniments


  • 2kg acacia honey
  • 50g fresh black truffle, shaved into slivers
  • 6tsp truffle oil


Sterilise 10 x 200g jars and lids. Pour the honey into a large heavy-based, then add the truffles. Heat the honey to 80C on a cook’s thermometer and remove from the heat. Allow to cool slowly to 60C, then divide the honey among the jars, making sure the truffle slivers are distributed evenly.

Add a couple of drops of truffle oil to each jar before sealing with its lid. Keeps for up to a year.

This recipe featured in the Christmas 2022 issue of Food and Travel. To subscribe, click here.

Recipes and food styling by Margaret Clancy. Photography and prop styling by Angela Dukes.
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Recipes and food styling by Margaret Clancy. Photography and prop styling by Angela Dukes.


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