Turkey baked with marjoram

Serves 12-14 Starters and mains


  • 1 x 4.5-5.4kg organic turkey
  • 2-3 sprigs marjoram
  • 110g salted butter, softened
  • 4tbsp freshly chopped marjoram, plus extra to garnish
  • 900ml single cream


Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/ Gas 4. If time allows, brine the turkey overnight, it’s so worthwhile for the extra depth of flavour – mix 105g salt with 1.2 litres water and pop the bird into the brine. Cover and leave overnight then, next day, drain and dry. Remove the wishbone from the neck end of the turkey for ease of carving. Also remove the fat from the vent end, season the cavity with salt and freshly ground pepper and stuff with the fresh marjoram sprigs – there’s no need for extra salt if the turkey has been brined.

Smear the breast and legs of the turkey with 55g of the butter. Put the turkey breast-side down into a large casserole and cook over a gentle heat for 6-8 minutes or until the skin on the breast turns golden. Turn the other way up and smear with half the chopped marjoram mixed with the remaining butter. Season with salt and freshly ground pepper. Cover with greaseproof paper and a tight- fitting lid. Cook for 2-21⁄2 hours then check if the turkey is cooked – the juices should be clear and there should be no trace of pink between the thigh and the breast.

Remove the turkey to a carving dish and leave to rest while the sauce is being made. De-grease the cooking juices, add the cream, bring to the boil, taste and reduce if necessary to strengthen the flavour. Add the remaining chopped marjoram and the juices from the carving dish. Season to taste. Garnish the turkey with the freshly chopped marjoram. Carve, and serve with the sauce.

Recipes and photographs taken from Simply Delicious by Darina Allen, photography by Peter Cassidy (Kyle Books, £20).
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2018 03 21 Kyle Darina Turkey Baked With Marjoram
Recipes and photographs taken from Simply Delicious by Darina Allen, photography by Peter Cassidy (Kyle Books, £20).


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