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Serves 4 Starters and mains
Rub the tuna steaks with oil and season well with black pepper and sea salt flakes. Dip the cut side of each fig into the oil. Mix a squeeze of the lime with the saba in a bowl and whisk in the remaining oil.
Squeeze the rest of the lime juice over the pear cubes and arrange on a serving dish. Heat a frying pan over a medium heat and sear the cut sides of the figs for about 11⁄2 minutes just to heat and cook the surface. Add to the pears and scatter over the spinach leaves.
Wipe out the frying pan and heat again over a high heat. Add the tuna steaks and turn down the heat a little. Sear each side for 1 minute. (It’s best seared on the outside and rare in the middle when sliced, like a fillet steak.)
Slice the tuna and gently combine with the pear, figs and spinach. Spoon over the saba dressing and serve warm.
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