Whole grilled turbot

Serves 4-6 Starters and mains


  • 1 whole turbot or brill (approx. 1.5–2kg), gutted, trimmed and cleaned
  • 75ml olive oil, plus extra for brushing
  • 50ml good-quality fish stock
  • 1½tbsp white wine
  • 1½tbsp white wine vinegar


This recipe was devised for cooking on a Big Green Egg barbecue – but it works equally well for any barbecue with a lid.

Set the Egg to direct set-up with the stainless-steel grill in place [or set up a regular barbecue with a lid with the grill rack in place] and light to reach a temperature of 150–180C.

Dry the skin of the prepared fish, brush with the extra oil, season with sea salt and put in a fish grilling cage if you have one (or use two wire cooling racks securely fastened around each edge with some wire or paperclips and use tongs to grip the whole thing).

Heat the fish stock in a small pan on the stove until reduced by half, then whisk in the wine, vinegar and olive oil. Put the cage containing the fish on the grill, close the lid and cook for 5 minutes on each side, then brush with the dressing and continue to cook, turning it every 3–5 minutes and brushing with the dressing as you go, until it has an internal temperature of 55C or more in the thickest part of the fish, and the skin is charred and crispy. This should take around 20–30 minutes in total.

Gently remove the fish from the cage and either take off the bone by cutting down the backbone and gently lifting off the fillets, or leave whole for everyone to help themselves. Finish by spooning over any remaining dressing and serve with any sides, such as dressed new potatoes.

Recipes and photographs taken from Cooking on the Big Green Egg by James Whetlor, photography by Sam Folan (Quadrille, £25).
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Recipes and photographs taken from Cooking on the Big Green Egg by James Whetlor, photography by Sam Folan (Quadrille, £25).


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