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17 Avenue George V, Dinard, France
Clinging like a limpet to the cliffs of Brittany, Castlebrac and its 25 rooms have commanding views over the Bay of Prieuré. A tidal rise of 5m and glimpses of the fortress town of St Malo make this a vista you will spend hours admiring from the sunny patio deck.
The building used to be the national aquarium and the hotel’s decor gives a nod to its past with piscatorial murals and portholes in the Aquarium Bar. Bedrooms are sumptuously appointed with marble bathrooms, vibrant fabrics and art deco-inspired furniture. Clever use of the building’s higgledy-piggledy contours gives multiple room and suite combinations, so it’s ideally suited to family groups as well as couples.
Behind the hotel, the sleepy town of Dinard comes alive in spring as second home owners from Paris descend at weekends. This most British of Brittany towns retains an air of 1950s glamour thanks to its 400 listed villas, while stripy beach tents are more reminiscent of Enid Blyton books. Doubles from £229.
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