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Ellenborough Park Southam Road Cheltenham Gloucestershire
Within cantering distance of the iconic local racecourse, Ellenbourough looks like a proper English manor. Parts of the building date back to the 16th century, so plenty of quirky historical details, such as an original coat of arms in the stone archway, sets it apart from the bland breed of country house architecture. Soft furnishings benefitted from a makeover about a year ago from designer Nina Campbell, but rooms haven’t lost their period charm – as in for example, the magnificent exposed wooden rafters in the Istabraq suite, which also boasts a four-poster bed and enormous bathroom equipped with full-size bottles of Penhalgion’s products. A cosy drawing room is the perfect place for a boardgame or afternoon tea; at a standalone spa treatments include a lovely detoxing algae wrap. The oak-pannelled walls and stained glass of the Beaufort Dining Room couldn’t be more British. Classical dishes such as Chateaubriand feature; it also does a cracking traditional Sunday lunch, complete with epic cheese trolley. Doubles from £240.
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