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South Africa
Over your morning coffee at sunrise and your sundowner at sunset, the Indian Ocean stretches before you, 5km of it protected as part of a 34,000ha nature reserve in the southern tip of Africa. The ocean-side Lekkerwater Beach Lodge is sandwiched between the spectacular deep blue and the mountains, scrubland and wetlands of South Africa’s De Hoop Nature Reserve, a wildlife-rich conservancy. With no TVs in the lodges and no phone reception, you’re off-grid in what was once the holiday home of former South African president FW de Klerk. Each of the seven suites has a private deck looking out to the horizon and, while you’re welcome to enjoy the home-cooked South African fare – expect plenty of braais – with your own party, joining in communal dinners is encouraged by a chef who likes to involve the guests.
Activities include expeditions to the rare breeding colony of Cape vultures and naturalist-led walks into the inter-tidal ecosystems, but the big ticket for many is the chance to spot the southern right whales who breed on the watery doorstep.
Doubles from £488. 00 27 21 0011574,
Words by Alex Mead.
This review was taken from the Christmas 2021 issue of Food and Travel. To subscribe today, click here.
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