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900 Meadowood Lane St. Helena, CA
Napa Valley is not a place given to understatement. So when you hear of a luxury resort owned by one of America’s 100 richest men, you could be forgiven for fearing bling over bliss. Meadowood is entirely the latter, however, its luxury worn lightly. This is a country club without the twee, a 101 hectare estate set on the valley floor within spitting distance of some of the region’s top wineries, but making full use of the surrounding forest to shelter 85 cottages, suites and lodges. Each has its own individual entrance, terrace and character. The décor is understated but sophisticated – muted whites and greys to complement the hard-wood furniture and brick fireplaces. The pool too is tucked away amid the redwoods and firs, while there’s also tennis, croquet, golf and a spa. The main draw for many would have to be the recently renovated three Michelin-star restaurant. There is no menu, instead each diner’s meal is bespoke, with many ingredients sourced from the resort’s own gardens. GW. Doubles from £375.
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