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Derb el Farnatchi Rue Souk el Fassis Qua’at Ben Ahid Marrakech Medina MOROCCO
The thought of staying in a medina-based riad for the authentic taste of Marrakech is thoroughly enticing; the possibilty of hours of frustrated navigation through dusty souk streets in the fruitless effort to find your way back to that riad, somewhat less so. Riad Farnatchi has all the appeal of a quintessential Moroccan pad, but with the added plus of being run by a British family and their lovely local staff, members of whom cheerfully help you with everything from understanding feast days to fetching you from the souk when lost. Nine luxurious, sprawling suites are decked out with traditional Moroccan fabrics, balconies, fireplaces and sunken bathtubs sizeable enough for a family of four. Breakfast on the roof terrace is a tranquil experience in an otherwise hectic city, and a small restaurant dishes up solid local staples. The in-house masseuse is exceptional. AM. Suites from £238.
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