Tenuta Di Murlo Hotel


You’ll wonder whether you’re in the right place as you approach the entrance to this ancient estate. Fear not, it’s merely an indicator of the unadulterated privacy that comes beyond. Clinging to Umbria’s undulating hills near Perugia, it sits amid thousands of acres of woodland and olive groves. Ten of the 100 or so medieval buildings that sprawl the staggering landscape have been beautifully restored: cottages sleep two; villas and apartments, four to 18. After check in, it’s a hair-raising climb along a labyrinth of narrow, vertiginous roads to your hilltop hideaway, so hire a 4x4 if you’re driving. The old defence tower, ‘Villa Torre’, was our home- away-from-home and we found it bursting with charm. Huge sofas surround an open fire, two big bedrooms wear original features and antiques, the dining room is adorned with stylish art and an infinity pool is on hand for summer. There are few places better than the tower’s rooftop look-out to raise a glass of red and watch the spectacular sunset roll over the valley. From £3,205 per week.

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