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222 Marylebone Road London
A chunky red-brick burger, sandwiched between Marylebone Road and Station, The Landmark is an unlikely site for a five-star hotel. Step off the street and there’s no doubt about its pedigree. Swiss staff, groomed with precision, oil the route to rooms the size of suites and suites the size of a decent apartment. The Winter Garden, in the wide open space of its covered atrium, serves two of the better afternoon teas in the capital – one traditional, the other based on chocolate. Its two bars couldn’t be more contrasting. The Mirror Bar, tucked away, is bright, glassy and designed for self-confident cocktail sipping. Twotwentytwo – panelled, plusher, accessed from the street – sports a zinc counter with sunken ice buckets for those Champagne Charlie moments. Years back, when it opened, the hotel flirted with celebrity chefs, but, with so many iconic restaurants nearby, it’s taken a conscious decision to sidestep this approach. MR. Doubles from £220.
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