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New York
Manhattan’s gritty Lower East Side has long been dressed in European
sentiment – the Dutch boweries of the 1600s, the Irish tenement rogues and Italian rapscallions of 19th-century novels, the famous Jewish delis and
the avant-garde artists of the Seventies are just a few examples. Today, The Ludlow stands as a modern beacon of this rich cultural history. Shaking
off the area’s working-class roots, it encapsulates the area’s more gentrified
new look with a members’ club vibe that wouldn’t seem out of place in Covent
Garden. Moody lighting, open fires and belovedly knackered-looking leather
are mainstays in the snug-style downstairs area, where a distinctly Euro crowd
sip strong coffees that metamorphose into old fashioneds as the afternoon
progresses. Upstairs, industrial windows reveal city scenes best enjoyed from
your four-poster or sunken tub. Opt for a Skybox Loft for 360-degree views
and a balcony. And whatever you do, don’t miss the Ruben sandwich served
up at Katz’s Deli, across the street. Doubles from £240.
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