The Merrion Hotel

Upper Merrion Street, Dublin 2, Ireland

Formed from the restored interiors of four Georgian town houses – in one of which the first Duke of Wellington was born – The Merrion is the epitome of elegance. Located in the most attractive part of Dublin, where wide streets flanked by terraces and squares of elegant homes complete with decorative fanlights, it has thoroughly earned its five-star rating. Spacious bedrooms are furnished with Irish fabrics and marble bathrooms; there is a spa and a swimming pool. Sitting by the fire in one of the drawing rooms, you’ll find yourself surrounded by one of the finest collection of Irish art in private hands – there are 150 original works, including paintings by Jack B Yeats, Louis le Brocquy and Paul Henry. Don’t miss the two-Michelin-starred Patrick Guilbaud restaurant. Doubles from £178.

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