Exceptionally good brownies

Makes 25


  • 150g butter, plus extra for greasing
  • 200g chopped dark chocolate (about 70% cocoa)
  • 4 eggs
  • 300g sugar
  • 100g plain flour
  • 150g walnuts, broken up a bit
  • 20cm x 30cm baking tin, or similar


Preheat the oven to 180°C/350ºF/Gas 4. Grease the baking tin and line the base and sides with baking paper – the bigger the tray, the less cakey the end result. Put the butter and chocolate in a heatproof bowl and place over a saucepan of barely simmering water, making sure the base of the bowl does not touch the water, and stir until melted. Set aside to cool to just above room temperature.

Using electric beaters, beat together the eggs, sugar and a pinch of salt in a large bowl until pale. Fold in the cooled chocolate mixture, followed by the flour and last of all, fold in the walnuts; try not to overmix or it’ll lose some of its air. Spoon into the prepared tin and bake for 25-35 minutes; when tested with a skewer it won’t come out completely clean like it does when testing a cake, but it shouldn’t have raw mix on it either.

Remove from the oven and allow to cool in the tin, then turn out and cut into squares to serve. Store in an airtight container for 3-4 days at the most.

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