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Serves 4 Starters and mains
The day before, mix the salt and spices and spread them over the meat side of the belly. Put it in the fridge for 24 hours.
The next day, preheat the
oven to 240C/220C F/Gas
9. Rinse the belly and pat dry. Heavily rub the skin with
salt, then put the belly in an
ovenproof dish or roasting tray into which it will fit snugly,
skin-side up. Pour in the chicken
stock, being careful not to get
the skin wet (it needs to be dry
to form the crackling). Cook the
belly for 20-30 minutes or until
the skin blisters and crackles.
Turn the temperature down to
150C/130C F/Gas 2 and cook
the belly for a further 3 hours 30
minutes or until tender. Remove
from the oven and set aside to
cool. Once cool, cut the belly into strips 10cm long x 4cm wide
and set aside.
Heat a frying pan over a medium heat and add the black pudding. Fry for around 1 minute until soft but still malleable, remove and set aside.
In the same pan, warm up the tortillas. Once they are puffing up, transfer to a serving dish or plates. On each tortilla, put a couple of slices of black pudding, a slice of pork belly and a drizzle of tomatillo salsa (click here) and breddos hot sauce (click here). Garnish with coriander, if using, to serve.
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